RainBow 90°–100° key L-wrenches

  • for hexagon socket screws
  • chrome-plated and powder-coated, color coded by size, quick access to the right tool
  • flexible 90°–100° very short key part for safe hand free space and screws in particularly confined spaces
  • key part with half ball point, high torques for versatile applications
  • sizes 1.5 and 2 with 90° angle only
  • laser-marked serial number, lifetime guarantee
for internal hexagon screws mm
Product specifications
Find a specialist dealer Shop online
PB 2222.L 1,5 LG 1.5 3 1.6-2 4 80 1 Find a specialist dealerShop online
PB 2222.L 2 GR 2 4 2.5 5 90 2 Find a specialist dealerShop online
PB 2222.L 2,5 YG 2.5 5 3 6 110 5 Find a specialist dealerShop online
PB 2222.L 3 SY 3 6 4 8 125 8 Find a specialist dealerShop online
PB 2222.L 4 YE 4 8 5 9 150 16 Find a specialist dealer
PB 2222.L 5 OR 5 10 6 11 165 29 Find a specialist dealer
PB 2222.L 6 RE 6 12-14 8 13 185 47 Find a specialist dealer
PB 2222.L 8 PU 8 16 10 16 200 92 Find a specialist dealer
PB 2222.L 10 BL 10 18-20 12 18 220 158 Find a specialist dealerShop online